Running RCLCPP as a custom package?

asked 2020-04-03 10:19:06 -0500

cxrandolph gravatar image

updated 2020-04-03 10:19:54 -0500

ROS2 is constructed in much the way the official guides recommend that one builds their own packages. The components of the project are placed in a src directory, and Catkin manages the build process, including moving intermediate files to the install directory.

Now, I've gotten myself a build-from-source version of Eloquent Elusor. I've been thinking about tinkering around with RCLCPP. The official guide says that we can effectively overload packages from our underlay with our overlay. This is demonstrated with installing a new version of turtlesim.

Is it possible for me to create a copy of RCLCPP that could be run in place the version ROS2 uses (without actually changing anything within my vanilla ROS2 installation folder)?

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Pedantic, but:

and Catkin manages the build process

seeing as you've tagged this with eloquent, that's not actually correct.

Colcon is the build tool used with ROS 2 workspaces.

Catkin is only used with ROS 1.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2020-04-03 11:14:28 -0500 )edit

@gbdhoorn Oh yeah thanks. That was a mistake.

cxrandolph gravatar image cxrandolph  ( 2020-04-03 12:47:58 -0500 )edit