Moveit add gripper and arm to same action server

asked 2020-04-02 03:10:21 -0500

Markus gravatar image

Hey there,

I have an action server named /position_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/ to which my real kuka robot listens.

It is an action server which I would like to use to control the gripper and the arm. Thus it has these joint_states:

name: [finger_joint1, joint_a1, joint_a2, joint_a3, joint_a4, joint_a5, joint_a6]

Now on the moveit side I configured also an action server to control my robot as follows:

image description image description

If I then start my pick place planning c++ program I get this error:

[ERROR] [1585814245.639666493]: IK cannot be performed for link 'link_6'. The solver can report IK solutions for link '_leftfinger'.

What I would like, is that moveit controlls finger_jonint 1 during the open / close gripper procedure and send these valus to the action server.

However I just was able to use moveit to control the robot arm not any additional joint (such as the gripper etc.).

Do I need an extra action server to control the gripper?

How could I achieve controlling a gripper and an arm with the same action server?

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