Are there any software testing limitations when using Python for ROS development?

asked 2020-03-31 04:39:13 -0500

Py gravatar image

updated 2022-05-23 09:51:11 -0500

lucasw gravatar image

I am debating whether to use C++ or Python for ROS development. I can see that there are a number of pros and cons for each but the relative simplicity and ease of development associated with Python makes it the most attractive option to me.

I am concerned about whether I will run into software testing limitations. As far as I can see, the tools available for ROS testing based on Python nodes and Python testing in general is extensive. It doesn't seem likely that I won't be able to robustly validate my software.

What does everyone think about this? Am I right or is there something I should be worrying about?

Also, I'm wondering if there are some aspects of ROS "under-the-hood" that are inherently Python-based anyway regardless of what language the nodes are written in?

Thanks very much!

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