ROS2 bag play - performance issue
I recorded a bag file in ROS2 with some sensor data. while I trying to play the same bag file using the command ros2 bag play bag_name, it takes more memory and the system getting stuck during the play.
->Is it a performance issue due to the storage version sqlite3 ? or any one here having the same issue while playing the bag file of higher data rate?
-> Current ROS2bag is stable in performance?
configuration: ubuntu 18.04 , ros2 version : dashing message publish for every 50 ms.
Asked by AmAppu on 2020-03-25 05:18:24 UTC
ros2 bag is broken for sensor data. It assumes all topics are being published with reliable QoS. If your sensor data is publishing with best effort QoS, ros2bag will fail to record that data.
I am unsure if this is what is happening when you say the system is getting stuck during play, but it should be an issue you run into.
EDIT: The issue is fixed, ros2bag should work for any QoS. Hurrah!
Asked by johnconn on 2020-03-25 09:12:25 UTC
“They” is the community. If this is something you want or need, you should be part of “they” and work on fixing or improving it. I wouldn’t hold my breathe waiting on others who may or may not hold your sam view points of the importance of your issue if you need this.
Asked by stevemacenski on 2020-03-25 10:39:06 UTC