ERROR:colcon.colcon_notification.desktop_notification [closed]

asked 2020-03-15 02:52:38 -0500

zivy gravatar image

Hi guys,

I am building the ros2-eloquent from source code using

colcon build --symlink-install

while it seems DBus cannot receive any reply.

I am using Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64 with kernel 4.15.0.

env | grep ROS

By the way, I have ignored rviz package when building the code, since it always went wrong.

I really appreciate it if anyone could help! Thank you!

terminal shows like that:

Finished <<< ros2lifecycle [2.33s]
Finished <<< ros2component [1.92s]

Summary: 290 packages finished [1min18s] [78.247s]

ERROR:colcon.colcon_notification.desktop_notification:Exception in desktop notification extension 'notify2':org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/colcon_notification/desktop_notification/", line 107, in notify title=title, message=message, icon_path=icon_path)

File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/colcon_notification/desktop_notification/", line 50, in notify

File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/", line 188, in show self.timeout, # expire_timeout

File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dbus/", line 70, in __call__ return self._proxy_method(args, *keywords)

File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dbus/", line 145, in __call__ **keywords)

File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dbus/", line 651, in call_blocking message, timeout) dbus.exceptions.

DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying

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Closed for the following reason question is off-topic or not relevant. Please see for more details. by zivy
close date 2020-05-06 04:02:53.217901


For some reason dbus fails for you when colcon tries to show a desktop notification about the successful build. Do notifications from other applications work you? You can disable desktop notifications in colcon by setting an environment variable COLCON_EXTENSION_BLACKLIST=colcon_core.event_handler.desktop_notification(see Obviously that would not show any desktop notifications anymore which I consider quite useful. I suggest to investigate further why it fails on your system.

Dirk Thomas gravatar image Dirk Thomas  ( 2020-03-16 10:28:26 -0500 )edit

Thanks for the reply, I tried it, but it doesn't work.

 env | grep colcon

Still throughs out the above error. While, anyway, this error does't bother me to run or make ros2. BTW, It is bizarre that I can receive other desktop notifications.

zivy gravatar image zivy  ( 2020-03-16 21:13:40 -0500 )edit

You can also try COLCON_EXTENSION_BLACKLIST=colcon_notification.desktop_notification - both work for me to disable the desktop notification extension. You might want to try to use the notify2API in an interactive Python interpreter to see if it works (mimicking the calls from

Dirk Thomas gravatar image Dirk Thomas  ( 2020-03-17 00:11:26 -0500 )edit

Unfortunately, COLCON_EXTENSION_BLACKLIST=colcon_notification.desktop_notification doesn't work for me. But colcon code may work. While, recently, I accept that error. Thanks again.

zivy gravatar image zivy  ( 2020-03-17 11:02:16 -0500 )edit

Just out of curiosity: are you using the latest versions of colcon (colcon version-check)?

Dirk Thomas gravatar image Dirk Thomas  ( 2020-03-17 11:42:57 -0500 )edit
colcon version-check
colcon-argcomplete 0.3.3: up-to-date
colcon-bash 0.4.2: up-to-date
colcon-cd 0.1.1: up-to-date
colcon-cmake 0.2.19: up-to-date
colcon-core 0.5.5: up-to-date
colcon-defaults 0.2.4: up-to-date
colcon-devtools 0.2.2: up-to-date
colcon-library-path 0.2.1: up-to-date
colcon-metadata 0.2.4: up-to-date
colcon-notification 0.2.12: up-to-date
colcon-output 0.2.8: up-to-date
colcon-package-information 0.3.2: up-to-date
colcon-package-selection 0.2.5: up-to-date
colcon-parallel-executor 0.2.4: up-to-date
colcon-pkg-config 0.1.0: up-to-date
colcon-powershell 0.3.6: up-to-date
colcon-python-setup-py 0.2.5: up-to-date
colcon-recursive-crawl 0.2.1: up-to-date
colcon-ros 0.3.17: up-to-date
colcon-test-result 0.3.8: up-to-date
colcon-zsh 0.4.0: up-to-date
zivy gravatar image zivy  ( 2020-03-18 23:49:53 -0500 )edit