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cannot launch node of type [learning_tf/turtle_tf_broadcaster]: can't locate node [turtle_tf_broadcaster] in package [learning_tf]

Hi, I am following the tf tutorial.

Maybe because I installed the ninja, there is something different with the tutorial.

after I create the ros package with

catkincreatepkg learning_tf tf roscpp rospy turtlesim

with catkin make and source dev/setup.bash. then type roscd learning_tf. the terminal led me to


I suppose roscd should led me to /catkin_ws/src/learning, right?

Then everthing is wrong, I can catkinmake or catkinmakeisolate the learningtf package.

But the launch file will loop into the /installisolate/share/learningtf to find the binary files. But there are not in there. (the binary files located in the devel_isolate instead).

Thank you

Asked by sinsinsinsin on 2020-03-11 09:43:27 UTC

