What is the smallest collection of node to perform waypoint following in Autoware
I am trying to test a custom vehicle interface software by having the vehicle perform waypoint following of recorded waypoints from "waypoint_saver" but I cannot figure out the appropriate nodes to run.
I have identified these nodes so far: purepursuit->twistfilter->twistgate->customsoftware.
I know the purepursuit node subscribes to a "finalwaypoints" topic and "velocityset" publishes a "finalwaypoints". I am unsure which nodes to start to connect "waypointloader" to "velocityset" (if this is even correct).
Any help on figuring out the appropriate nodes would be appreciated.
Asked by Patrick N. on 2020-02-13 14:28:40 UTC
The list of software that can run waypoint following using the waypoints from "waypoint saver":
- waypoint_loader
- lane_rule
- lane_stop
- lane_select
- astar_avoid (can run as pass through with no obstacle avoidance)
- velocity_set
- twist_filter
- pure_pursuit
- vehicle interface software (I had a custom from that received the vehicle_cmd message)
These should work as long as the localization is configured correctly.
Asked by Patrick N. on 2020-03-03 13:58:23 UTC