Straightforward movements for local_planner
I faced the problem that I want to my robot navigate without curved trajectories (only straightforward motions as much as possible ). I even set carrotplanner for baseglobalplanner, and it is create a straight path from current position to the goal. However my baselocal_planner always perform curved movements and even can't reach the goal, as it is shown in the picture:
I want to perform navigation without map, and currently my lidar is turned off as well. Maybe I will add laserscan latter. Could someone say how can I use movebase with direct movement and using only odom. Maybe I have to use another baselocalplanner, now I am using default TrajectoryPlannerROS, or maybe I have to set specific parameter.
Thank you!!!
Asked by Yehor on 2020-02-13 03:04:38 UTC