raspicam Camera image has dark area after calibration

asked 2020-02-07 08:00:07 -0500

lotharchris gravatar image

I have ROS Kinetic running on a raspberry pi 3 b+, with a raspicam. I have calibrated it, and along with the raspicam_node, I'm also running a transform. I also have the ca_driver running for the Create 2 the raspicam is mounted on:

 roslaunch ca_driver create_2.launch

roslaunch raspicam_node camerav2_1280x960_10fps.launch

rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 base_link raspicam 100

I then run rqt, and open my config.

Everything works, but the Camera has a dark area in it, while the Image does not.

Any ideas why the Camera would have this dark area?

Is this from a less than great calibration?

Is it an artifact from the transform?

FYI, I used an 11.5x8 size for the calibration checkerboard. It is visible in the camera images, on the left against the wall.

image description

rqt_graph shows:

rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph

image description

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