how to get the initial pose of robot in explore_lite

asked 2020-01-18 21:46:58 -0500

Zep gravatar image

Hi, I am a beginner that doing the multiple robot exploration projects, the algorithm in my mind is to reflect the initial poses of several robots, but if I created my own outside node and directly use subscriber to subscribe the geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr& msg, and try to use ROS_INFO to show it, it's not work. I was tested my own node source code worked well, so it is not the form problem. Thanks for all solvers By the way, the robot type is turtlebot3

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Were you able to resolve this issue? If so, can you please post your solution?

hunterlineage1 gravatar image hunterlineage1  ( 2023-02-16 10:28:56 -0500 )edit