Can Not Ready Error
I am using the SV2D10-C-CE canopen controller from Applied Motion:
After performing the configuration of the motor parameters with their supplied software, i am attempting to control it through ros-canopen. I made sure to provide the EDS that reflects the parameters in the controller; namely, the PDO mappings (communication and mapping params). The following is the error i am getting from the terminal, when the init service is called.
[ INFO] [1578942089.030965037]: Using fixed control period: 0.010000000
[ INFO] [1578942098.869938415]: Initializing XXX
FAILED system:100
[ERROR] [1578942098.905976794]: CAN not ready
Did not receive a response message
state is 255
[ERROR] [1578942109.890241883]: CAN not ready; not operational; CAN not ready
And on the service client side, i receive:
success: False
message: "could not reset node '1'"
The part that says "state is 255", i am printing myself by adding the following to line 153 in node.cpp
std::cout << "state is " << state_ << std::endl;
I see that state 255 corresponds to "unknown", which is concerning, and suggests that the communication between the controller and the ros-canopen is somehow going wrong. A few details about the controller i am using:
SV200 servo drivesare compliant to CiA 301 and CiA 402 and uses the CAN 2.0B passive physical layer.
Is the ros-canopen driver programmed to support CAN 2.0B physical layer? I am aware that 2.0B protocol uses 29 bit CAN-ids, as opposed to the 11 bit CAN-ids that protocol 2.0A uses.
Can this be the problem?
Id like to add, i have been using this driver for years with CanOpen controllers that use the 2.0A protocol, which is leading to suspect that this may be the issue here
Asked by JadTawil on 2020-01-13 14:22:57 UTC
Cross-post of ros-industrial/ros_canopen#376.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2020-01-13 16:13:12 UTC
both thread have been closed as cross-post but none with solution ?
Asked by mahe_antoine on 2021-02-12 10:21:27 UTC
The OP closed both by himself. I don't know why.
He should've decided which one he wanted to keep open, and close the other one.
Not close both.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2021-02-12 11:00:04 UTC