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Omnidirectional Four_wheel_steering_controllers/base-controllers

Looking for omnidirectional four-wheel-steered base controllers. It seems ros-control fourwheelsteeringcontroller is not omnidirectional! Am I wrong? PR2 on the other hand seems hard to adopt. Any suggestions? And why is fourwheelsteeringcontroller not omnidirectional, isnt the omnidirectional movement what makes 4 wheel steering interesting?

Asked by Dragonslayer on 2020-01-09 14:25:02 UTC



As far as I can tell the four wheel steering controller is intended to be used with four wheel ackerman type steering. So it is not capable of moving in an omni-directional (holonomic) way.

A four meccanum wheel robot may be what you're looking for and there is a ROS package which support this. Here is a video of such a robot in action.

Hope this helps.

Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2020-01-09 17:47:13 UTC


Thanks for the answer. I really need a PR2 like Controller, which seems to be the way to go for me. But I still dont get it why the ros team didnt implement 4wheel steering omnidirectional. Its not that much different from what I understand now. 4 wheel Ackerman steering seems a waste to me, specially as it would be easy to make the omnidirectional controller do that as well.

Asked by Dragonslayer on 2020-01-09 18:15:33 UTC

I have the same requirement for an omnidirectional controller. Were you able to figure out or find any package which supports this?

Asked by jaiswalharsh on 2020-07-29 09:51:54 UTC

If you are fine with Python link text else you have to got for the pr2 base_controller, but there is a lot of specialized stuff going on in there, and you really have to understand the math and whats going on. Be aware that the spur controller cant handle offset wheels, they must be centered below the steering axis.

Asked by Dragonslayer on 2020-07-29 10:17:55 UTC

If anyone still interested: There is a guy who did this based on the four wheel drive, its called swervebot_controller, just google it. Its not perfectly balanced but at least you got something then.

Asked by TUBerlin_Msc on 2021-02-12 09:43:55 UTC


I am looking for exactly this! But I'm having no luck trying to google "swervebot_controller". Can you please share the link? Thank you.

Asked by DanEB on 2021-03-17 18:17:23 UTC