rviz my usb cam don't seen in image topic
I am new at RVIZ. I want to display a rviz display with my usb cam.
First thing, I have 2 camera. One is a stereo, second is a simple usb webcam. I have tested on my OS with VLC and both of them are working. Webcam mark is A4tech. Stereo is Elp-3d-stereo-camera-2.
Second thing, I use a Raspberry pi 3 b+. I intalled Ubuntu Mate OS for my raspi 3 b+ . I use ROS1 melidic.
My problem is rviz don't see my cameras. I will try to explain my steps :
- I run roscore
- I run "rosrun rviz rviz" --> i get a warning "DRI2 failed to authenticate" and i get infos "version 1.13.6, compiled against qt version 5.9.5, compiled against OGRE version 1.9.0(Ghadamon), Forcing OpenGl version 0,Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED, OpenGl version: 3.1(GLSL 1.4)." + sometimes "Segmentation fault".
- I get the RViz screen
- I click on "Add" button. and i add a camera display.
- When i click to image topic it gets nothing. Like in this video It must be show my cams I suppose.
I get this warning "DRI2 failed to authenticate" also when i run roscore.
5th is my problem. Where is the problem?
Asked by KOMODO on 2020-01-01 17:21:16 UTC