Question regarding transformation

asked 2019-12-20 13:50:29 -0500

arminkazim gravatar image

Dear ROS community, i am working on visual odometry algorithms. There output odometry is in camera_link frame. So my question is when i know the mounting place on the robot of my camera and building up a transform matrix from robot base to the camera link, is applying this transform on the odometry data of the camera enough to get the data in base_link frame ? Do i then need to apply another transform to compare the data with the odometry topic of the wheels? I am kinda stuck with this problem, because i am also not sure if tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose(pose_stamped, transform) with pose_stamped being the odometry in camera_link frame and transform the tf from base_link to camera_link will result in the right transformation.

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Please make sure to ask you question only once.

stevemacenski gravatar image stevemacenski  ( 2019-12-20 14:20:34 -0500 )edit