Errors Running hover_vrpn.launch?

asked 2019-12-19 17:51:43 -0500

brunvj gravatar image

updated 2022-01-22 16:10:13 -0500

Evgeny gravatar image

Hello all. I am doing research for a project involving OptiTrack's Motive and getting it to work with a single Crazyflie drone. I specifically want to use the hover_vrpn.launch file as it is what I deem to work best with my situation. So, I have made a catkin workspace and the entire crazyflie_ros_cyphy folder is in there and has been built. But I found myself having to manually edit the hover_vrpn.launch file to include the full file address to launch each .launch file it references to (otherwise, it would produce "Resource not found: crazyflie_...").

Now, the issue is that the file runs, but the nodes won't launch. It produces the following message:


sinelab@sinelab-Inspiron-3847:~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch crazyflie_ros_cyphy/crazyflie_demo/launch/hover_vrpn.launch uri:=radio://0/80/1M/ frame:=/vicon.crazyflie/crazyflie x:=0 y:=0 z:=1
... logging to /home/sinelab/.ros/log/8eeb4fce-22b8-11ea-8f01-f48e38888aae/roslaunch-sinelab-Inspiron-3847-30281.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB. is deprecated; please use xacro instead
started roslaunch server http://sinelab-Inspiron-3847:34941/

 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/X/integratorMax: 0.1
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/X/integratorMin: -0.1
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/X/kd: 20.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/X/ki: 2.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/X/kp: 40.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/X/maxOutput: 10.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/X/minOutput: -10.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Y/integratorMax: 0.1
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Y/integratorMin: -0.1
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Y/kd: -20.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Y/ki: -2.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Y/kp: -40.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Y/maxOutput: 10.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Y/minOutput: -10.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Yaw/integratorMax: 0.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Yaw/integratorMin: 0.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Yaw/kd: -20.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Yaw/ki: 0.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Yaw/kp: -200.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Yaw/maxOutput: 200.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Yaw/minOutput: -200.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Z/integratorMax: 1000.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Z/integratorMin: -1000.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Z/kd: 6000.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Z/ki: 3500.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Z/kp: 5000.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Z/maxOutput: 60000.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/PIDs/Z/minOutput: 10000.0
 * /crazyflie/controller/frame: /vicon.crazyflie/...
 * /crazyflie/controller/worldFrame: world
 * /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/enable_logging: False
 * /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/enable_logging_battery: True
 * /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/enable_logging_imu: True
 * /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/enable_logging_magnetic_field: True
 * /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/enable_logging_packets: True
 * /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/enable_logging_pressure: True
 * /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/enable_logging_temperature: True
 * /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/pitch_trim: 0
 * /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/roll_trim: 0
 * /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/tf_prefix: crazyflie
 * /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/uri: radio://0/80/1M/
 * /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/use_ros_time: True
 * /crazyflie/joy/dev: /dev/input/js0
 * /crazyflie/joystick_controller/use_crazyflie_controller: True
 * /crazyflie/pose/name: goal
 * /crazyflie/pose/rate: 30
 * /crazyflie/pose/x: 0
 * /crazyflie/pose/y: 0
 * /crazyflie/pose/z: 1
 * /crazyflie/vrpn/child_frame_id: /vicon.crazyflie/...
 * /crazyflie/vrpn/frame_id: /world
 * /crazyflie/vrpn/ip: vicon
 * /crazyflie/vrpn/port: 3883
 * /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1 ...
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So, I have made a catkin workspace and the entire crazyflie_ros_cyphy folder is in there and has been built.

how did you do this? Did you make sure to install all the required dependencies? Or did you only clone the crazyfly repository and run catkin_make?

Refer to #q252478 for an example workflow (it works for any ROS version, not just Kinetic).

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-12-20 04:04:38 -0500 )edit

Hello! It's been a while, I have taken your advice and made sure I installed the required dependencies for ROS Melodic and updated the local database. Now, I ran the same command again, and found the same launch errors as stated above. I might have to restart or something, but I will comment again if it was fixed. Otherwise, it hasn't.

brunvj gravatar image brunvj  ( 2020-01-21 17:40:11 -0500 )edit