ROS_INFO / ROS_ERROR prints twice on screen
I notice that when I use the command ROSINFO or ROSERROR the message enclosed within is printed twice. This can be quite a nuisance for a big message.
This is how I use the command:
And the screen shows:
roscpp_internal [ DEBUG ] - Publisher update for [/eoitest1]:
already have these connections: http://lt-pool-213:52887/,
roscpp_internal [ DEBUG ] - Disconnect: skipping myself for topic [/eoitest1]
roscpp_internal [ DEBUG ] - Publisher update for [/eoitest1]: http://lt-
pool-213:52887/, already have these connections: http://lt-pool-213:52887/,
[ INFO] [1337075856.820438324]: Printing published messages to verify order for
diff. poses and uuids
A 1 (0.33,0.20,-0.14,-78.34,23.10,17.20,1.00)
A 1 (0.33,0.20,-0.14,-78.34,23.10,17.20,1.00)
A 2 (3.00,32.40,-23.40,54.70,-6.23,0.33,1.00)
A 2 (3.00,32.40,-23.40,54.70,-6.23,0.33,1.00)
A 3 (0.00,0.00,0.23,-3.40,0.24,-0.12,1.00)
A 3 (0.00,0.00,0.23,-3.40,0.24,-0.12,1.00) [ INFO ] - Printing published messages to verify order for
diff. poses and uuids
A 1 (0.33,0.20,-0.14,-78.34,23.10,17.20,1.00)
A 1 (0.33,0.20,-0.14,-78.34,23.10,17.20,1.00)
A 2 (3.00,32.40,-23.40,54.70,-6.23,0.33,1.00)
A 2 (3.00,32.40,-23.40,54.70,-6.23,0.33,1.00)
A 3 (0.00,0.00,0.23,-3.40,0.24,-0.12,1.00)
A 3 (0.00,0.00,0.23,-3.40,0.24,-0.12,1.00)
roscpp_internal [ DEBUG ] - Connection to local publisher on topic [/eoitest1] dropped
roscpp_internal [ DEBUG ] - Connection to local subscriber on topic [/eoitest1] dropped
As you can see, the roscppinternal messages are printed only once by ROS. However the ROSINFO messages that I print are printed twice.
Any idea why this might be?
Thanks - Shanker
Asked by Shanker on 2012-05-15 00:15:00 UTC
Can you give the minimal code which demonstrates this issue on your system?
Asked by Cody on 2012-05-15 07:42:16 UTC