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Interactive marker 'EE:goal_link_06' contains unnormalized quaternions.


ROS Version - kinetic Rviz -1.12.17

After creating the MoveIt package for my custom robotic arm i tried to simulate robotic arm using gazebo. The Interactive markers in Rviz Environment were missing, but if i update any random vaild position in Rviz Environment and execute the path the robot in gazebo environment used to follow the same position and orientation.

In rviz environment it shows the error in Fixed Frame as

Fixed Frame

No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [base_link] does not exist

I added Interactive markers using Add icon but it showed the error


Error getting time of latest transform between /baselink and baselink: (error code: 1)

When i searched in ROS Q and A for relative errors and if any one has solved it. i found this mentioning it may be a software update error.

Can someone please help me weather its a software issue or is it my programme error. link text

Asked by Aradra on 2019-12-14 11:07:27 UTC



Ok Guys i got a solution for it The Problem was with my URDF File I had Not created a fixed Joint.

Also the first joint (Fixed type ) and Base_Link1_Joint (Revolute joint) must be at a same position

Say if x y z of fixed joint is 0 0 0.5 x y z of revolute joint must be 0 0 0.5.

If there is any deviation then gazebo model starts to appear shaky or not stable.

Asked by Aradra on 2019-12-16 13:00:17 UTC
