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Where do I get internal structure of rosbag file?

Hi all, I want know about data structure of ros bag file because I want to parse ros bag file on non ros system using c++ language. If any one know please help me.

Asked by prajyot on 2019-12-05 02:29:57 UTC



The format is documented here: wiki/Bags/Format/2.0.

Instead of writing something from scratch, you may want to look at something like ros/ros_comm/tools/rosbag_storage, which is the C++ library underlying the rosbag set of tools.

It does have some dependencies on other pieces of ROS, but those could potentially be removed.

See also #q267309 for a previous Q&A about this topic.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-12-05 04:40:23 UTC
