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How to set planning_frame in moveit


I am working with mobile platform and ur5 manipulator. I want to set goal in the map frame but I can't do it. I am using the moveitgroup python SDK and there I have only `getplanningframeand notsetplanningframe. When I print thegetplanningsceneI getbasefootprintand like I said I want that it will bemap. There is a command tosetposereferenceframe()but It didn't solve the problem. I also tried to change thebaseframein theur_driver` launch file.

I will glad if someone will help me with that. Thanks, Aviad

Asked by Aviad on 2019-11-26 04:27:21 UTC


Not an answer, but:

I also tried to change the base_frame in the ur_driver launch file.

You mean: "ur_robot_driver or ur_modern_driver launch file", correct? Only if you have CB2 controller should you still be using ur_driver.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-11-26 05:01:06 UTC

I am using ur_modern_driver

Asked by Aviad on 2019-11-26 05:50:26 UTC

Hi. Did you solve the problem? I'm having the same issue.

Asked by Nicholas_Dascanio on 2020-01-30 13:52:43 UTC

Hi, No. But what you can do is to calculate the distance between the base_footprint and the base frame of the ur5 and send the goal plus this distance. For example, if the ur5 is on a robot which its height is 0.5m, moveit will consider the goals from the ur5 plus this 0.5m. So, you are loosing by this 0.5m of workspace. So, all you need is to add this 0.5 and this is will be ok. I did not use this eventually but it should working.

Asked by Aviad on 2020-01-30 14:26:20 UTC

Hi Aviad, thank you for your suggestion, I was thinking the same. It should work, but I still don't know why you can't actually change the planning frame in the moveit_python API.

Asked by Nicholas_Dascanio on 2020-01-31 05:37:40 UTC

I neither. Maybe if someone will suggest them to do that they will be. I believe that in the most applications there is no need to use that setting.

Asked by Aviad on 2020-01-31 06:02:03 UTC
