Laser_msgs Filter Linear Regression ROS Kinetic C

asked 2019-11-15 08:30:30 -0500

SK gravatar image

Hey everybody,

I am trying to use the Laser Data(sensor_msgs/LaserScan) to get the exact position of an reflective marker. Therefore, I want to filter the data a little bit:

  1. Filter; Intensity filter
  2. Filter: Range filter
  3. Filter: Angular Bounds filter
  4. Filter: Median Filter

Once I have run all the filters I would like to execute linear regression on the data to make sure, that all the points are on the same line. I just found the laser_filters package, which can help me a lot to run the first four filters on the data. But I am still looking for a linear regression package. Is there a package for this specific issue?

Thanks in advance!

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linear regression on the data to make sure, that all the points are on the same line

This is a fairly simple algorithm, I don't know that its worth having a "ROS" specific package for it. You clearly know you need to do it and its pretty simple linear algebra.

stevemacenski gravatar image stevemacenski  ( 2019-11-15 11:12:04 -0500 )edit