Improve camera FPS stream in Rviz from remote machine
I face the problem regarding the fps in rviz. So I have roscore on my laptop and camera node (usb_cam) on Jetson Nano. And the fps is not so good when I am displaying it on my laptop via rviz.
How can I improve the fps on the remote machine receiving the video from another?
Asked by Yehor on 2019-11-01 09:27:06 UTC
One thing that i found is to use compressed_image_transport pkg. By using that you can republish compressed image to another topic with that launch command:
rosrun image_transport republish raw in:=/usb_cam/image_raw compressed out:=/usb_cam/image_compressed
or you can manually do it in the node.
This improve FPS significantly and at least in my case it stopped lagging. However, it would be nice to hear ant other solutions.
Asked by Yehor on 2019-11-05 01:41:36 UTC