Hi, i need help with the diagnostics aggregator with Gazebo.
Hi, i want to implement a general simulation on Gazebo like for example using this simulation with the diagnostics aggregator receiving certain information from the robot like the motor states and sensors states and then display that information into the robot monitor. Is there a way to implement this? Thank so much in advance for your help.
Asked by LJ95 on 2019-10-31 23:23:23 UTC
Simulation usage is pretty straight forward as explained on link you have shared. For diagnostic aggregator, you can take a look here. What you need to do is make a config file for aggregator according to your needs and launch the aggregator loading that config (explained in the link I shared).
Asked by Choco93 on 2019-11-01 05:10:48 UTC
Hiii, thank you for your reply. The thing is that i dont know how to make an appropiate diagnostics aggregator to my needs for taking information from gazebo and the robot itself. Many diagnostics aggregator that i have found many are used for actual robots and not simulated robots. Is there a correct way to create a diagnostics aggregator but for simulates purposes for gazebo?
Asked by LJ95 on 2019-11-01 11:14:55 UTC
In order to make diagnostic aggregator you need nodes that are actually publishing diagnostics, then aggregator can be used to group them together based on features they relate to.
Asked by Choco93 on 2019-11-04 02:39:51 UTC
I understand that, but how can i aggregate the nodes correctly? i have to make a node the publishes directly to the diagnostics? how can i managed to do that? is there an example i could see to understand it more? Thank you for all your help.
Asked by LJ95 on 2019-11-05 14:25:17 UTC