Missing commands (ROS2 dashing, Ubuntu 18.04)
Hi, I was going through the ROS2 tutorials using turtlesim, and I got to the "Understanding ROS2 services" tutorial (https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/Tutori...), where it tells me to run the following command
ros2 service type abcdef
When I tried to run this, I got an error saying that "type" isn't a valid command. Running "ros2 service type -h" shows that I only have two commands in "service": "list" and "call". Upon doing some googling, it seems like I'm missing "find" and "type" from service. Additionally I realized that I'm missing the "interface" commands entirely. I guess I messed up my installation of ROS2? How do I go about fixing this problem? Thanks in advance for any help!