[ROS2 Dashing] Can't run rqt
I've successfully installed Dashing patch 4 from source. But I can't implement rqt anymore. Do I miss something?
RosPluginProvider.load(rqt_gui_py/RosPyPluginProvider) exception raised in __builtin__.__import__(rqt_gui_py.ros_py_plugin_provider, [RosPyPluginProvider]):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/darby/ros2_ws/build/rqt_gui/src/rqt_gui/ros_plugin_provider.py", line 81, in load
attributes['module_name'], fromlist=[attributes['class_from_class_type']], level=0)
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rqt_gui_py'
RecursivePluginProvider.discover() loading plugin "rqt_gui_py/RosPyPluginProvider" failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/darby/ros2_ws/install/qt_gui/lib/python3.6/site-packages/qt_gui/recursive_plugin_provider.py", line 60, in discover
instance = self._plugin_provider.load(plugin_descriptor.plugin_id(), None)
File "/home/darby/ros2_ws/build/rqt_gui/src/rqt_gui/ros_plugin_provider.py", line 91, in load
raise e
File "/home/darby/ros2_ws/build/rqt_gui/src/rqt_gui/ros_plugin_provider.py", line 81, in load
attributes['module_name'], fromlist=[attributes['class_from_class_type']], level=0)
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rqt_gui_py'
Asked by Darby Lim on 2019-10-22 20:10:40 UTC
Similar thing here but different command and output:
I found a workaround which consists in symlinking the directory written in the egg-link file and to the associated egg-info file.
Asked by galou on 2019-11-02 01:45:26 UTC
I have solved to colcon build seperetely (NOT add build argument symlink-install) rqt_gui and rqt_gui_py
Asked by Darby Lim on 2019-11-03 20:21:37 UTC