How to Avoid Collision (Obstacle) while navigating using rtabmap_ros and navigation stack
Hello, I am trying to perform autonomous navigation by using move_base node of navigation stack.
here is what I did,
- After mapping the environment using rtabmap_ros package, I stop the mapping session.
- start the rtabmap node again in localization mode and move the robot around.
I have two problems,
The map is automatically loaded as soon as I start the rtabmap node in localization mode, even before localization of the robot. ideally, map should load when robot localizes itself.
When I send the goal command using RVIZ "2D Nav Goal", It calculates the global trajectory correctly avoiding the obstacles. However, when the robot moves it collides with obstacle. and once it collides with the obstacle, it remains stuck there and does not get out of the situation.
Please guide what is that I am missing here,
here is my rtabmap launch file ,
here is my world file,
I spawn my husky robot into this world using a launch file here is the link to those launch files,
here is my robot description file
thanks in advance
Asked by al389660 on 2019-10-06 20:54:41 UTC
Can you please update your question to include the files in your question? This way your question is self-contained and people don't have to jump between sites to see your files.
Asked by jayess on 2019-10-06 22:29:43 UTC
I am sorry, I cannot do it. The reason is that I have number of characters limitation that I can write.
Asked by al389660 on 2019-10-06 23:52:09 UTC
Then can you provide the ones that are custom (husky.urdf.xacro may be part of another package)? Or, at the very least use a site that doesn't require people to download the files to view them?
Asked by jayess on 2019-10-07 00:05:00 UTC
I think there is something wrong with move_base configuration
Asked by al389660 on 2019-10-07 04:56:41 UTC
Asked by matlabbe on 2019-10-07 20:52:34 UTC