Does anyone know how to calibrate thecamera for Duckiebot?

asked 2019-10-04 16:05:57 -0500

notSoTechnical gravatar image

updated 2019-10-05 06:05:57 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

I asked the same question at, but I haven't heard anything back.

After I clicked “Run” in the portainer, I got the following message at the top right corner for a second:

No such container: 2ce0dd4c514947561efeb28f74775fef5238c910a91c279923315f7f922657ac

Result: the window doesn’t open


student@robot-teaching-lab9:~$ dts duckiebot demo –demo_name camera –duckiebot_name duckiebutt
INFO:dts:duckietown-shell 4.0.26
dts : Problems with a command?
: Report here:
: Troubleshooting:
: – If some commands update fail, delete ~/.dt-shell/commands
: – To reset the shell to “factory settings”, delete ~/.dt-shell
: (Note: you will have to re-configure.)
INFO:duckietown-challenges:duckietown-challenges 4.0.30
INFO:dts:duckietown-shell-commands 4.0.43
INFO:dts:Using package duckietown
INFO:dts:demo_camera already running – stopping it first..
INFO:dts:removing demo_camera
INFO:dts:Running command roslaunch duckietown camera.launch veh:=duckiebutt
student@robot-teaching-lab9:~$ dts duckiebot calibrate_intrinsics duckiebutt
INFO:dts:duckietown-shell 4.0.26
dts : Problems with a command?
: Report here:
: Troubleshooting:
: – If some commands update fail, delete ~/.dt-shell/commands
: – To reset the shell to “factory settings”, delete ~/.dt-shell
: (Note: you will have to re-configure.)
INFO:duckietown-challenges:duckietown-challenges 4.0.30
INFO:dts:duckietown-shell-commands 4.0.43
INFO:dts:intrinsic_calibration_duckiebutt already running – stopping it first..
INFO:dts:removing intrinsic_calibration_duckiebutt
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
INFO:dts:Running intrinsic_calibration_duckiebutt on localhost with environment vars: {‘HOSTNAME’: ‘duckiebutt’, ‘ROS_MASTER’: ‘duckiebutt’, ‘DUCKIEBOT_NAME’: ‘duckiebutt’, ‘ROS_MASTER_URI’: ‘’, ‘QT_X11_NO_MITSHM’: 1, ‘DISPLAY’: ‘:0’}
INFO:dts:When the window opens you will need to move the checkerboard around in front of the Duckiebot camera
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