Build doc using sphinx ROS Melodic
I am trying to build documentation using sphinx and rosdoc_lite. For this I created docstring comments on my functions e.g.:
def goal_callback(self, msg): """Transforms the goal position from the map coordinate frame to the robot coordinate frame and publishes it to /move_base_simple/goal :param msg: The current goal in map / robot tf frame :return: None """
Afterwards followed the tutorial:
But I only get an empty html page. Meaning that no functions or classes are included in the website.
My folder structure looks like this:
. ├── cfg ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── doc ├── launch ├── package.xml ├── ├── rosdoc.yaml └── script
and the doc folder contains:
├── ├── html │ ├── genindex.html │ ├── index.html │ ├── index-msg.html │ ├── msg-styles.css │ ├── objects.inv │ ├── search.html │ ├── searchindex.js │ ├── _sources │ └── _static ├── index.rst ├── make.bat ├── Makefile └── manifest.yaml
and the corresponding generated Makefile:
# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation # # You can set these variables from the command line. SPHINXOPTS = SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build SPHINXPROJ = comehome_pose_tf2 SOURCEDIR = . BUILDDIR = . # Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help". help: @$(SPHINXBUILD) -M help "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)" $(SPHINXOPTS) $( .PHONY: help # Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new # "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS). %: Makefile @$(SPHINXBUILD) -M $@ "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)" $(SPHINXOPTS) $(O)
Asked by GeorgNo on 2019-10-03 07:22:54 UTC