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How to display customized-Topics on Rviz ?

Hi, I'm using ROS kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04.

I should make a new Topic, but have no idea how to display it.

To be honest, that topic is kinds of walking human. ( No need to make it like a real human.)

Once I get to know how to display my topics on rviz canvas, my task must get progressed by a lot.

Thanks in advance :)

Asked by kane_choigo on 2019-09-30 02:20:57 UTC



First and easiest is to make a node which subscribes your topic and publishes another visualization topic of type Marker (or MarkerArray) (look at ).

The other option is to implement a custom RViz. See e.g. the tutorial at .

Asked by peci1 on 2019-09-30 02:50:29 UTC
