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[ros2] Multithreaded Executors and parameters

I'm running into an issue in attaching a node to a MultiThreadedExecutor. The basic code is structured as follows:

#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
#include <health/health.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
  // make multithreaded executor
  rclcpp::executors::MultiThreadedExecutor executor;
  // make nodehandle
  auto nh = std::make_shared<rclcpp::Node>("health_status");
  // add to the executor

  // declare some parameters

  // create an object that sets up some callbacks
  Health h(nh);

  // wait for shutdown and then clean up
  RCLCPP_INFO(nh->get_logger(),"Exiting health_status node");
  return 0;

The code compiles and appears to set up the correct publishers and subscribers (which are all abstracted into the "Health" object). However, if I call "ros2 param list" while the node is running, the call appears to hang forever. If I change my executor to a SingleThreadedExecutor or use rclcpp::spin() instead, "ros2 param list" works as it's supposed to. The code (as currently structured) does not actually use the MultiThreadedExecutor's functionality to run multiple callback threads; however, we would like to eventually support that functionality.

I have come across this thread, which appears to address a related problem. However, I'm not sure how to modify my code. Any help would be appreciated.

Asked by fatadama on 2019-09-23 16:55:15 UTC



You may need to add two CallbackGroups and pass then as arguments while calling create_subscription() or create_publisher(). This multithread_executor.cpp will help you.

Asked by ignacio on 2019-10-17 21:54:25 UTC


that link is dead now. Is this what you were referring to: ?

Asked by mysteriousmonkey29 on 2020-06-03 12:53:25 UTC

this link is actual implementation of MultiThreadedExecutor. I think it should be

Asked by ipa-hsd on 2020-06-14 13:48:35 UTC

just updated. Thanks guys!

Asked by ignacio on 2020-08-04 02:38:13 UTC

With OP not making it clear what's in "Health" object (we don't know e.g. if there are multiple callback hooks in it), I'm not sure if making multiple CallbackGroups can be a solution to OP's case?

Asked by 130s on 2023-05-25 16:11:22 UTC