record 2 topics in 2 seperate bag files
Hello, I am using the next command to record one topic in a bag file
rosbag roecord -O /home/ubuntu/C.bag /topic1
now I want to record more than one topic in more than one bag file at the same time, I have used the next command but it does not work..
rosbag roecord -O /home/ubuntu/C1.bag /topic1 /home/ubuntu/C2.bag /topic2
Asked by nana on 2019-09-19 03:54:02 UTC
You just need to run the command rosbag record
in two different terminals :
Terminal 1: rosbag record -o /home/ubuntu/C1.bag /topic1
Terminal 2: rosbag record -o /home/ubuntu/C2.bag /topic2
Asked by Delb on 2019-09-19 04:23:00 UTC