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Problem with launching ur_gazebo

asked 2019-09-18 04:45:54 -0500

teshansj gravatar image

I am checking out this tutorial on ur_gazebo. I have all the requirements installed. However, when I try roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5.launch, it gives me some errors and says (Full output attached at the end)

[spawn_gazebo_model-4] process has finished cleanly
[joint_state_controller_spawner-7] process has finished cleanly
[arm_controller_spawner-8] process has finished cleanly

Still I can see gazebo working as expected (I think). I can run the moveit config, plan a path using rviz and execute and in gazebo it seems to be working fine. What am I missing here? I have no prior experience in this so an explanation on this is much appreciated.

roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5.launch output:

... logging to /home/XXXX/.ros/log/fe8e0ec2-d9f5-11e9-a221-8c04ba099a14/roslaunch-tehan-l-l-13884.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://tehan-l-l:42425/


 * /arm_controller/action_monitor_rate: 10
 * /arm_controller/constraints/elbow_joint/goal: 0.1
 * /arm_controller/constraints/elbow_joint/trajectory: 0.1
 * /arm_controller/constraints/goal_time: 0.6
 * /arm_controller/constraints/shoulder_lift_joint/goal: 0.1
 * /arm_controller/constraints/shoulder_lift_joint/trajectory: 0.1
 * /arm_controller/constraints/shoulder_pan_joint/goal: 0.1
 * /arm_controller/constraints/shoulder_pan_joint/trajectory: 0.1
 * /arm_controller/constraints/stopped_velocity_tolerance: 0.05
 * /arm_controller/constraints/wrist_1_joint/goal: 0.1
 * /arm_controller/constraints/wrist_1_joint/trajectory: 0.1
 * /arm_controller/constraints/wrist_2_joint/goal: 0.1
 * /arm_controller/constraints/wrist_2_joint/trajectory: 0.1
 * /arm_controller/constraints/wrist_3_joint/goal: 0.1
 * /arm_controller/constraints/wrist_3_joint/trajectory: 0.1
 * /arm_controller/joints: ['shoulder_pan_jo...
 * /arm_controller/state_publish_rate: 25
 * /arm_controller/stop_trajectory_duration: 0.5
 * /arm_controller/type: position_controll...
 * /joint_state_controller/publish_rate: 50
 * /joint_state_controller/type: joint_state_contr...
 * /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /robot_state_publisher/publish_frequency: 50.0
 * /robot_state_publisher/tf_prefix: 
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.14
 * /use_sim_time: True

    arm_controller_spawner (controller_manager/controller_manager)
    fake_joint_calibration (rostopic/rostopic)
    gazebo (gazebo_ros/gzserver)
    gazebo_gui (gazebo_ros/gzclient)
    joint_state_controller_spawner (controller_manager/controller_manager)
    robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
    spawn_gazebo_model (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [13899]

setting /run_id to fe8e0ec2-d9f5-11e9-a221-8c04ba099a14
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [13912]
started core service [/rosout]
process[gazebo-2]: started with pid [13922]
process[gazebo_gui-3]: started with pid [13940]
process[spawn_gazebo_model-4]: started with pid [13946]
process[robot_state_publisher-5]: started with pid [13947]
process[fake_joint_calibration-6]: started with pid [13948]
process[joint_state_controller_spawner-7]: started with pid [13949]
process[arm_controller_spawner-8]: started with pid [13952]
[ INFO] [1568798618.512260316]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.
[ INFO] [1568798618.512910501]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1568798618.515966508]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.
[ INFO] [1568798618.516420817]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
SpawnModel script started
[INFO] [1568798618.830303, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter
[INFO] [1568798618.832155, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[ INFO] [1568798619.032186013, 0.022000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1568798619.062803814, 0.052000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.
[INFO] [1568798619.138086, 0.121000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1568798619.275586, 0.157000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
[ INFO] [1568798619.341170165, 0.157000000]: Loading gazebo_ros_control plugin
[ERROR] [1568798619.341286713, 0.157000000]: GazeboRosControlPlugin missing <legacyModeNS> while using DefaultRobotHWSim, defaults to true.
This setting assumes you have an old package with an ...
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1 Answer

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answered 2019-09-18 06:19:59 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

updated 2019-09-18 06:29:02 -0500

it gives me some errors and says

[spawn_gazebo_model-4] process has finished cleanly
[joint_state_controller_spawner-7] process has finished cleanly
[arm_controller_spawner-8] process has finished cleanly

these are not errors, but merely informative messages telling you that those nodes have cleanly exited.

Everything seems to be working as it should.

[spawn_gazebo_model-4] process has finished cleanly

this node is only responsible for spawning (adding) the robot in the Gazebo world. As soon as it's done, it's no longer needed.

[joint_state_controller_spawner-7] process has finished cleanly

As the name implies (_spawner), this one also only is needed to load a controller. Once the controller is loaded, it's job is done.

[arm_controller_spawner-8] process has finished cleanly

And the same for this one.

Nodes can shut down and not be in error. That's perfectly OK.


The thing is they exit without me killing them with ctrl+c

they are supposed to.

You can see there are a few errors in the roslaunch output

If you are referring to the "no p gain specified for pid." then those are also not fatal and things will still work.

The Gazebo plugin has changed, but has remained bw-compatible. Refer to ros-industrial/universal_robot#443 for some more context.

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Yes these are not errors. The thing is they exit without me killing them with ctrl+c You can see there are a few errors in the roslaunch output


Thank you for the elaboration. I thought I was doing something the wrong way.

teshansj gravatar image teshansj  ( 2019-09-18 06:23:30 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2019-09-18 04:45:54 -0500

Seen: 1,596 times

Last updated: Sep 18 '19