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moveit to plan in local frame


Is it possible to change the reference frame of moveit another reference frame than an robot external frame.

Right now I have map -> baselink. I have a mobile robot with an arm, whos armbase_link can rotate. I would like to plan moveit in the arm coordinate frame, but at the same time have the octomap of the sensor plugin in the map frame.

Is this possible or must I do the transfroms in a separte transformer?


Asked by Eisenhorn on 2019-09-10 03:24:44 UTC


Is it possible for you to add the rotating base joint to your robot arm URDF so that Moveit plans with it as part of the robot.

Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2019-09-10 03:30:23 UTC


Yes. I guess your frames are in order map->base_link->arm_base_link. I guess moveit.setposereferenceframe(arm_base_link) might solve. Or make a new planning group for moveit from arm_base_link.

Asked by Sathyakumar Nanda on 2020-02-17 07:02:46 UTC
