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Make a iteratively using laser data

I'm using ROS Melodic and Gazebo 9.

I'm implementing SLAM algorithm using C++ and I having a lot of troubles making the map iteratively. My steps to make the map are:

  1. Start simulation.
  2. Read laser scan.
  3. Make a map with laser scan data.
  4. Move the robot.
  5. Read laser scan.
  6. Add laser scan data to current map.

I'm having a lot of troubles at point 6.

I'm using a nav_msgs/OcuppancyGrid structure to store the map but I don't know how to add new obstacles to it.

How do you do it? Any suggestions?

Asked by Elric on 2019-09-03 00:46:22 UTC


We can't help you unless you tell use what problems you're actually having.

I'm having a lot of troubles at point 6.

Doesn't tell us much.

Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2019-09-03 05:54:06 UTC

to me it seems that step 3 and 6 are same. If you have no problems with 3 then you shouldn't have any problems with 6 either. Also without further details and logic this question is really vague

Asked by Choco93 on 2019-09-04 06:49:36 UTC
