Fuse GPS with IMU robot_localization
Hey guys,
I've got a problem and I think it is quite similar to this thread. I just want to fuse a single IMU with a GPS (I'm using the KITTI-Dataset). I've tried to stick to the tutorials and all that stuff but got a weird problem. I have build 3 Nodes which interfaces looks like this:
FUSING IMU NODE -> INPUT: /kitti/oxts/imu ; OUTPUT: /Odometry/filtered
NAVSAT NODE -> INPUT: /kitti/oxts/imu, /kitti/oxts/gps/fix, /Odometry/filtered; OUTPUT: /Odometry/gps
NODE GPS AND IMU -> INPUT: /kitti/oxts/imu, /Odometry/gps; OUTPUT: /Odometry/filtered_fused
The IMU-signal (/Odometry/filtered) and the GPS-Signal (/Odometry/gps) looks quite good. The signal /Odometry/filtered_fused looks quite strange and cant be correct. Why? I assume that /Odometry/gps is not an IMU fused signal but a coordinate-transferred gps signal.
Thanks in Advance