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Should the Camera Calibration Resolution be equal to the operation resolution after the calibration?

I have recently purchased a usb camera with the following FPS rates corresponding to different resolutions:

1920 (H) x 1080 (V) pixels   MJPEG 30fps      YUY2 6fps
1280 (H) x 1024 (V) pixels   MJPEG 30fps      YUY2 6fps
1280 (H) x 720 (V) pixels     MJPEG 60fps      YUY2 9fps
1024 (H) x 768 (V) pixels     MJPEG 30fps      YUY2 9fps
800 (H) x 600 (V) pixels      MJPEG 60fps      YUY2 21fps
640 (H) x 480 (V) pixels     MJPEG 100fps      YUY2 30fps

In my particular use case I need the camera to operate at 100fps and 640x480 resolution. I used the camera_calibration tool to generate a calibration file for this camera. This tool requires me to publish the images to /camera/image_raw topic, in order to do so I used the usb_cam node and in the launch file I have specified the resolution as 1920x1080 and the frame rate as 30. So my question is: Does the resolution at which I've used to generate the calibration file matter, should it be the same as the resolution at which I will be using the camera at?

Asked by csg on 2019-08-14 10:33:33 UTC

