How would you execute a 3D path on a mobile robot?
I have a differential drive mobile robot that can generate obstacle free, continuous 3D paths (poses) over some non-flat 3D space. I'm trying to figure out what the best way to actually execute the path on the robot (I.E the job move_base would do in 2D). Wouldn't a simple control loop suffice to follow the path over uneven terrain, or is there more to it?
Asked by insidious1 on 2019-08-07 15:22:18 UTC
Nope, its just that simple if you want to start off that way. At the end of the day the robot can only move in a locally planar way: go straight, turn, or a little of both. You just need to make it follow the path carrots projected into the configuration space the robot can do something about. A simple way to start is just to literally throw out the Z coordinate and feed it the XYs.
The Z isnt really important from the base control perspective for a simple starting point as long as the path is valid for the diff drive robot to accomplish
Asked by stevemacenski on 2019-08-08 14:54:06 UTC