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ros2 bag issue

I have successfully record the bag file of realsense camera(D435i) topic using:

ros2 bag record /camera/color/image_raw

when I use ros2 bag play rosbag2_file to play this bag file,I use ros2 topic hz /camera/color/image_raw to check the fps of the topic, the average rate only have about 8.

No doubt, I checked the fps of the same topic when directly launch the realsense node.It's about 20.

There were something wrong about the ros2 bag record?


Asked by RachelRen on 2019-07-18 02:08:19 UTC


Are you using the latest master (from source) or dashing? I haven't tried that on my machine yet, but does the amount of messages in the bag correspond to the 8hz or 20hz? Meaning if you record for 5 seconds, do you have 100 or 40 messages in the bag?

Asked by Karsten on 2019-07-22 12:36:16 UTC
