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[Autoware 1.12.0] astar avoid crashes

Required information:

Description of the bug

astar avoid node will crash if new global path is shorter than current global path when vehicle almost reaches goal pose.

The error messages is:

Terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

[astar_avoid-1] process has died [pid 22026, exit code -6, cmd /home/v32/ costmap:=semantics/costmap_generator/occupancy_grid __name:=astar_avoid __log:=/home/v32/.ros/log/5b2c2532-a6b2-11e9-92eb-db0c60650499/astar_avoid-1.log].
log file: /home/v32/.ros/log/5b2c2532-a6b2-11e9-92eb-db0c60650499/astar_avoid-1*.log

Please refer to below video for how to reproduce this issue:

Any response will be greatly appreciated! Many thanks for your help.

Asked by Horry Chiang on 2019-07-15 03:11:59 UTC


Thanks! I can't open your video link, please check permission? If this is the actual bug, we need to create an issue for tracking.

Asked by aohsato on 2019-07-16 01:27:43 UTC


Thanks for your response. I upload video file to google disk again. Could you try to access below video link again?

Many thanks.

Asked by Horry Chiang on 2019-07-16 09:08:20 UTC

@horry-chiang It would be very helpful if you could provide a ROS bag of this incident. It's difficult for us to reproduce your environment and the exact circumstances of the crash without one. Also, if there is anything in the log mentioned in the "process has died" message above, the contents of that log might help as well.

Asked by Josh Whitley on 2019-07-16 11:57:52 UTC

Hello, developers,

Thanks for your information. I just record ros bag file & log file. Please get it from:

  1. ROS bag file

  2. astar avoid crash log

Many thanks for your help.

Asked by Horry Chiang on 2019-07-16 22:41:09 UTC

When I changed the waypoint file, I got the same error. Please fix it. Thank you.

Asked by Yamato Ando on 2019-07-23 23:02:52 UTC
