How to add LIDAR to Husky simulator in Gazebo
I am running Husky simulation in Gazebo as outlined here
In huskyemptyworld.launch file there is "arg name="laser_enabled" default="true"/"
However, in spawnhusky.launch (which is called in the previous launch file) there is "arg name="laserenabled" default="$(optenv HUSKYLMS1XXENABLED false)"/"
So my first question is what "optenv" actually does. The second one is how can I get a simulated LIDAR that publishes to some ROS topic?
I am using ROS-kinetic, when launching huskyemptyworld.launch I get the following errors:
Warning [] multiple inconsistent
[ERROR] [1562871609.012425750, 0.001000000]: GazeboRosControlPlugin missing
[ERROR] [1562871609.155345166, 0.001000000]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazeboroscontrol/pidgains/frontleftwheel [ERROR] [1562871609.157337883, 0.001000000]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazeboroscontrol/pidgains/frontrightwheel [ERROR] [1562871609.159119779, 0.001000000]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazeboroscontrol/pidgains/rearleftwheel [ERROR] [1562871609.160873927, 0.001000000]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazeboroscontrol/pidgains/rearrightwheel
[ WARN] [1562871609.593588359, 0.085000000]: updateConfig() called on a dynamic_reconfigure::Server that provides its own mutex. This can lead to deadlocks if updateConfig() is called during an update. Providing a mutex to the constructor is highly recommended in this case. Please forward this message to the node author.
and while exiting, I get:
[basecontrollerspawner-4] escalating to SIGTERM
[gazebo-2] escalating to SIGTERM
[WARN] [1562871659.750216, 28.914000]: Controller Spawner error while taking down controllers: transport error completing service call: receiveonce[/controllermanager/switch_controller]: unexpected error [Errno 4] Interrupted system call
PS. I have tried to follow this tutorial but there seems to be no .sdf file for husky in my installation.
Asked by MKKM on 2019-07-11 14:36:07 UTC