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[Autoware 1.11.0] Way_Planner cannot generate global path for lane change case

Required information:

Operating system and version: OS and version:
    Ubuntu 16.04
Autoware installation type:
    From source
Autoware version or commit hash
    tag v.1.11
ROS distribution and version:
ROS installation type:
    from binaries
Package or library, if applicable:

Description of the bug

We follow demo steps from youtube to test lane change of path planning.

Lane Change of Autoware (

According to demo video, wayplanner can plan global path for lane change case on moriyama map. We upgrade Autoware to 1.11.0, we try to follow demo video step by step to plan global path with wayplanner. But way_planner cannot generate global path with below error message.

PlannerH -> Plan (A) Failed, Trying Plan (B). Can't Generate Global Path for Start (X:-14770.6000061, Y:-84757.3999996, Z:39, A:2.35619449019 Lon:0, Lat:0, Alt:0, Dir:0) and Goal (X:-14878.6000061, Y:-84713, Z:39, A:-2.73146579822 Lon:0, Lat:0, Alt:0, Dir:0)

Can way_planner support plan path for lane change case on Autoware 1.11.0?

Any response will be greatly appreciated! Many thanks for your help.

Steps to reproduce the bug

Step1. Launch Autoware 1.11.0 , then load vector map from moriyama map folder
Step2. Launch vel_pose_connect with "Simulation Mode"
Step3. Launch way_planner by command, then assign inital pose with '2D pose estimate' button via RVIZ
Step4. Next, assign goal pose of lane change case with '2D Navi Goal' button via RVIZ
Finally, you will observe way_planner cannot plan plath with following errors

PlannerH -> Plan (A) Failed, Trying Plan (B). Can't Generate Global Path for Start (X:-14770.6000061, Y:-84757.3999996,  Z:39, A:2.35619449019 Lon:0, Lat:0, Alt:0, Dir:0) and Goal (X:-14878.6000061, Y:-84713, Z:39, A:-2.73146579822 Lon:0, Lat:0, Alt:0, Dir:0)

Expected behavior

Way planner should plan global path for lane change case like demo video

Asked by Horry Chiang on 2019-06-26 21:28:05 UTC


How did you start way_planner by command? Did you run roslaunch way_planner way_planner.launch? It seems to have enableLaneChange file in the parameter, and that might be the reason. Try roslaunch way_planner way_planner.launch enableLaneChange:=true

Asked by mitsudome-r on 2019-06-27 03:43:51 UTC

Hello, Many thanks for your information. The way_planner is launched by launch file, the enableLaneChange parameter is set "true". Do you test way_planner on moriyama map like video : ? Many thanks for your help.

Asked by Horry Chiang on 2019-07-02 05:16:45 UTC
