About SolidWorks to URDF Exporter saving button
Hi every one am using V1.5 which appear in my SWs(2018) v1.4 its not the problem but the problem is that when i use the tool and reach to configuration joint Properties i can't find save or close buttons on the screen as shown in the next link image about my problem note that i want to export URDF to use it in matlab not in ROS. thanks for reading
Asked by Mercury on 2019-06-22 20:57:51 UTC
This is a known issue experienced by a few people. I'm not entirely sure of why this is caused. What version of Windows are you using? In the link below, you'll find an installer that has more verbose logging on the issue. Could you try it out and can you post a copy of the log files in sw2urdf_logs in your home directory?
Thank you!
Asked by brawner on 2019-06-23 19:34:05 UTC