Failed to control IR14000 using ROS/ABB_driver #33
Hi guys , We are trying to control yumi IR14000 (the real robot) with ABB interface we followed this tutorial [] to install the firmware, (We dont have the EGM modules). when we launch :
roslaunch yumi_launch yumi_pos_control.launch
we get this error :
[ WARN] [1561104675.666918206]: Send failure, no callback support
[ INFO][1561104675.666949402]: Connection failed, attempting reconnect
[ERROR] [1561104675.667712026]: Failed to connect to server, rc: -1. Error:'Connection refused' (errno: 111)
Any suggestions?
Asked by amrani on 2019-06-21 03:54:08 UTC
This would appear to be a cross-post of kth-ros-pkg/yumi#43. Please don't do that. Give the maintainers of
time to respond.Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-06-21 07:02:42 UTC