Republisher unable to read theora header
Hello, I am working on a project that requires the streaming of video over a medium bandwidth network. We have found that imagetransport with theora more than meets our requirements. Our intent was to stream video using imagetransport to a client computer over a wireless network. The client computer is running RosJava and has a Swing GUI displaying the video.
Unfortunately, I do not believe that RosJava can use imagetransport, so we need to convert the theora packets into raw images.For this, we used he "republish" node in imagetransport. It worked great when testing and converting video on a single computer. As soon as we try it over the network, we are unable to stream any video. Instead we get a constant stream of:
[ WARN] [1335365477.977514087]: [theora] Packet was not a Theora header
[ WARN] [1335365478.078729313]: [theora] Packet was not a Theora header
[ WARN] [1335365479.681506117]: [theora] Packet was not a Theora header
[ WARN] [1335365479.778334825]: [theora] Packet was not a Theora header
[ WARN] [1335365479.883797089]: [theora] Packet was not a Theora header
We are able to receive the image fine through image_view, so do not believe it is due to a bad installation of libtheora or something like that. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but here is how we are calling the republish topic:
rosrun image_transport republish in:=/PTZ/image theora out:=/Video raw
Any ideas as to what could be causing this problem? If you need any more information, please let me know.
Thank you,
Asked by Joe on 2012-04-25 05:01:23 UTC
I am dealing with the same problem
Asked by Filippo Grazioli on 2019-07-05 10:37:17 UTC