How can I control ABB irb14050 (single arm YuMi) with ROS

asked 2019-06-11 13:44:59 -0500

gloria gravatar image

Deal all: Our lab planning to buy a new robot ABB irb14050 (the single arm YuMi). And I am now searching available package to do remote control of it. It seems like now packages for YuMi all works with the dual arm version. I don't know if it works change the arm number in dual arm package to one arm can control the single arm robot.( The kinematic model of these 2 robot are totally different). Or I can get the 3D model and create my own model in gazebo and control it with ros_control. But now it seems doesn't have packages that already support this kind of robot. Hope anyone can gave me some ideas. Thanks, Gloria

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