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Using Hector_SLAM to get odom for autonomous navigation

My aim is to implement autonomous navigation using hector_slam.

I have an RPLidar, through which I get Laser scan, and I can see the real time position of the lidar in rViz. I need to know how can I use this information and serve it as odom to movebase, or baselocalplanner to be precise. /odom is of type navmsgs/odometry while /slamoutpose is of type geometrymsgs/posestamped and /poseupdate is of type geometrymsgs/posewithcovariancestamped.

I have read that hector_slam is a good approach in absence of odometry information. But could not find any source on how to implement it. Again, the answer to my specific question might not be the one I'm looking for. So please help me to implement autonomous navigation.

Asked by parzival on 2019-06-01 04:02:22 UTC



You can set the pub_odometry parameter of hector_slam to true to get the nav_msgs/odometry messages being published in the "scanmatch_odom" topic.

It's not documented in the ROS API description, but you can see it from the source code.

Asked by vbs on 2019-06-10 03:51:12 UTC


Where exactly can I find it?

Asked by parzival on 2019-11-26 08:41:33 UTC

Do you mean where is it handled in the source code?

Asked by vbs on 2019-11-26 09:59:29 UTC

But it won't give me the twist messages, right? It will only give the pose. Is that sufficient for navigation and move_base?

Asked by parzival on 2019-11-26 13:10:01 UTC