rosparam load only part of yaml
Is it possible to load only part of yaml file into the parameter server?
My reason for wanting to do this is, suppose you have a properties.yaml file as follows:
common_property1: bla
common_property2: ble
specific_property1: foo
specific_property2: bar
specific_property1: foo
specific_prop2erty: baz
Now, from my launch file, I would like to do:
<node pkg="sensor_pkg" type="sensor_node" name="sensor1">
<rosparam command="load" file="properties.yaml['sensor1']"/>
<node pkg="sensor_pkg" type="sensor_node" name="sensor2">
<rosparam command="load" file="properties.yaml['sensor2']"/>
Similar to what you can do in xacro. Is it possible?
Anyone? :|