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3D mapping with octomap

I want to use octomap and while I tried this out I had some problems. When I started octomap_server and rviz I realized that the sensor is looking only in one way, even if I rotate my robot (my fixed frame is odom). I did it like in this tutorial

And then I read that I need to use e.g. cartographer to slam. Is this correct? So the steps are:

  1. I have to set up cartographer 2D and octomap
  2. cartographer uses laser scan, imu and octomap rgbd
  3. cartographer publishes the map
  4. In octomapmapping.launch change the value of frameid to map
  5. remap to pointcloud

Should it work with these steps? **And one more question: Is it possible to use multiple pointclouds in octomap? I have read this: but I am using two same cameras and they have the same node and I don't know how to publish these two to one topic. And I didn't get how the topic_tools relay works

I hope someone can help me

Asked by S.Yildiz on 2019-05-06 03:28:54 UTC



Cartographer likely only uses laser scan, imu and odom, integrating RGB-D data works in principle (i.e. it's a compatible data type), but the sensor characteristics are very different from the LIDARs cartographer is normally used with.

Otherwise your planned steps look plausible. For relaying, you can do a relay like this in a launch file (obviously change the /cameraX/point_cloud topics and /octomap_input_cloud topic according to your setup):

<node pkg="topic_tools" type="relay" name="relay_cam1_topic" args="/camera1/point_cloud /octomap_input_cloud" />
<node pkg="topic_tools" type="relay" name="relay_cam2_topic" args="/camera2/point_cloud /octomap_input_cloud" />

Asked by Stefan Kohlbrecher on 2019-05-06 14:07:55 UTC


And a remap is not needed?

Asked by S.Yildiz on 2019-05-13 02:58:03 UTC