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move_base dies when I publish range data to the range_sensor_layer

I am using a turtlebot3burger with kinetic and Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS with melodic on my laptop. I connected two sonic sensors (HC-SR04) to the raspberry and wrote a driver to publish the range data. I can map the space and then use the navigation stack to navigate; however, once I turn on these sonic sensors they kill the movebase. I have published them to an alternative topic to see if the hardware was the problem, and they don't interfere with move_base until I publish the range data to the topics I have listed for the plugin. I have tried to figure out why and I'm just not seeing my error. Can anyone help?

error message (although the log file doesn't actually exist when I try to find it):

[move_base-4] process has died [pid 17199, exit code 127, cmd /opt/ros/melodic/lib/move_base/move_base
[WARN] [1556908330.052460]: Failed to get param: timeout expired                                     │ cmd_vel:=/cmd_vel 
odom:=odom __name:=move_base __log:=/home/tyrel/.ros/log/b4efff2c-6dd1-11e9-8231-a0
[INFO] [1556908330.056455]: Setup TF on Odometry [odom]                                              │c5890be7a3/move_base-4.log].
[INFO] [1556908330.060261]: Setup TF on IMU [imu_link]                                               │log file: /home/tyrel/.ros/log/b4efff2c-6dd1-11e9-8231-a0c5890be7a3/move_base-4*.log

the log file doesn't exist:

:~/.ros/log/b4efff2c-6dd1-11e9-8231-a0c5890be7a3$ ls
amcl-3-stdout.log  map_server-2-stdout.log  master.log  robot_state_publisher-1-stdout.log  roslaunch-urithiru-17109.log  
roslaunch-urithiru-17159.log  rosout-1-stdout.log  rosout.log  rviz-5-stdout.log


1 obstacle_range: 3.0
2 raytrace_range: 3.5
4 footprint: [[-0.105, -0.105], [-0.105, 0.105], [0.041, 0.105], [0.041, -0.105]]
5 #robot_radius: 0.105
7 inflation_radius: 1.0
8 cost_scaling_factor: 3.0
10 max_obstacle_height: 0.6
11 min_obstacle_height: 0.0
13 obstacle_layer:
14    observation_sources: scan
15    scan:
16       data_type: LaserScan
17       topic: scan
18       marking: true
19       clearing: true
20       expected_update_rate: 0.0
21       observation_persistence: 0.0
23 range_sensor_layer:
24    ns: /sensors/sonar_sensor
25    topics: ["/range_data/front_bumper","/range_data/back_bumper"]
26    no_readings_timeout: 0.0
27    clear_threshold: 1.0
28    mark_threshold: 8.0
29    clear_on_max_reading: true


1 global_costmap:
2   global_frame: map
3   robot_base_frame: base_footprint
4   map_type: costmap
5   static_map: true
6   rolling_window: false
7   resolution: 0.1
8   update_frequency: 2.0
9   publish_frequency: 2.0
10   transform_tolerance: 3.0
12   plugins:
13     - {name: static_layer, type: 'costmap_2d::StaticLayer'}
14     - {name: inflation_layer, type: 'costmap_2d::InflationLayer'}


1 local_costmap:
2   global_frame: odom
3   robot_base_frame: base_footprint
5   update_frequency: 2.0
6   publish_frequency: 2.0
7   transform_tolerance: 3.0
9   static_map: false
10   rolling_window: true
11   width: 3
12   height: 3
13   resolution: 0.05
15   plugins:
16   - {name: range_sensor_layer,   type: "range_sensor_layer::RangeSensorLayer"}
17   - {name: obstacle_layer,  type: "costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer"}
18   - {name: inflation_layer, type: 'costmap_2d::InflationLayer'}

range data publishing driver

sonic_pub = rospy.Publisher('/range_data/%s_bumper' % name, Range, queue_size=50)
data = Range()

data.radiation_type = 0 #ultrasound
data.field_of_view = 0.5 
data.min_range = 0.01
data.max_range = 1.0 

r = rospy.Rate(1)

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        GPIO.output(t_pin, True)
        GPIO.output(t_pin, False)
        while GPIO.input(e_pin)==0:
        while GPIO.input(e_pin)==1:

        pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start

        distance = pulse_duration * 171.5 #speed of sound at sea level is 343m/s
        data.header.stamp = 
        data.header.frame_id = "%s_sonic_bumper" % name
        data.range = distance 

which gives:

  seq: 2
    secs: 1556907493
    nsecs: 388175010
  frame_id: "front_sonic_bumper"
radiation_type: 0
field_of_view: 0.5
min_range: 0.00999999977648
max_range: 1.0
range: 2.23068761826

Asked by Tyrel on 2019-05-03 14:08:23 UTC


Just an observation, but this doesn't seem right:

min_range: 0.00999999977648
max_range: 1.0
range: 2.23068761826

Note how max_range < range.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-05-04 04:37:47 UTC

I was under the impression that the navigation stack dealt/deleted data outside of the ranges since: clear_on_max_reading: true is set.

Asked by Tyrel on 2019-05-05 22:24:11 UTC

That could be, but right now you're publishing messages that are malformed. That would be something to fix regardless of who your consumers are (or what they are doing with the messages).

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-05-06 00:20:33 UTC

Good point. Thank you.

Asked by Tyrel on 2019-05-06 00:23:30 UTC

@Tyrel Have you solved your problem? I have a very similar problem. My range data is between min and max range. But when I publish on range_sensor topic, the move_base dies.

Asked by VitorHirozawa on 2019-06-11 17:50:54 UTC

@VictorHirozawa Not yet. Let me know if you figure anything out. I'd love to solve this.

Asked by Tyrel on 2019-06-12 00:28:23 UTC

@Tyrel For sure. I will let you know if I solve this issue.

Asked by VitorHirozawa on 2019-06-12 08:56:16 UTC
