Tricycle base_controller
Hi guys, I want to write a base controller for my robot. It's a three-wheeled robot with the front wheel that acts as track and steer. Looking for some information on internet I only found code for differential robot or code as gazebo-plugin. I would like to interface this base controller with navigation stack reading twistmsgs publish by movebase. Thank you for help! P.S. I'm using Indigo on Raspberry Pi
Asked by Terik on 2019-04-16 10:32:26 UTC
Is everyone into tricycle robots all of a sudden? #q321219?
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-04-16 12:51:55 UTC
I've seen a couple repos pop up, I think there's a company using them as interview take-home problems. Terik, I'd recommend looking into the derivation of the kinemetics / dynamics of an ackermann steering robot. A tricycle is essentially the same thing, less you're finding one angle.
Asked by stevemacenski on 2019-04-16 15:10:25 UTC