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Cannot resize buffers in rosserial, Arduino runs out of RAM

I am using ROS kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. The Adruino used is an Arduino UNO SMD (ATMega328P, 16MHz) plus an Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield. The Arduino sketch includes ros_lib and Adafruit's shield's library.

What I am trying to do with the Arduino is to use it to drive a linear actuator according to (std_msgs::Int16) instructions sent by other ROS nodes from the computer, as well as publish the position (also std_msgs::Int16) of the motor from its encoder.

My sketch takes around 73% of the Arduino's RAM, leaving less than 600 bytes free after compiling. When I run a toy program, without the motor shield, there is enough memory for the Arduino to function properly but, with it, the controller stops responding very few milliseconds after the actuator starts running (and the positions start being published). I tested the sketch independently from the ROS library and it worked normally, taking instructions and printing the positions through a serial monitor.

The default buffer lengths for the Arduino UNO are 280 bytes each, which is probably trying to eat up more RAM than the controller has left. What I have been trying to do to fix this was resizing the publisher and subscriber buffers in ros_lib arduino library as well as in the rosserial_arduino ROS package (I did remake it with catkin_make). In both cases I changed every default buffer length value to 64 and every default or maximum number of publishers/subscribers to 6 (that last number should not be the problem, though). However, when running rosrun rosserial_arduino _port:=/dev/ttyACM0, the node connects to the Arduino and prints:

[INFO] [1554732556.538001]: Note: publish buffer size is 280 bytes
[INFO] [1554732556.538715]: Setup publisher on /Actuator_Position [std_msgs/Int16]
[INFO] [1554732556.554360]: Note: subscribe buffer size is 280 bytes
[INFO] [1554732556.554954]: Setup subscriber on /Actuator_Control [std_msgs/Int16]

which indicates to me (along with the Arduino crashing after the actuator starts moving) that the buffers are still unchanged.

The files I changed in ros_lib are: ros.h and ros/node_handle.h

Files changed in rosserial: rosserial_arduino/src/ros.h

Here is my Arduino sketch, with some simplifications and commentings that I tried using to make it lighter (please don't judge ;p). I am including the whole sketch because the minimal working example does work, since its RAM consumption is low enough to allow ros_lib's buffers to be allocated.

* Controlling the linear actuator:
* this node is subscribed to a ROS topic named "/Actuator_Control", of type
* `std_msgs::Int16' and will control the position of the linear actuator accor-
* ding to the Hall sensor units in the actuator.
* The instructions sent to this node should be formatted as follows:
* 2-byte instruction ([INS][DIR][RES][VAL])
*   bit[15:14], INSruction: 0b00 for GO-TO
*                           0b01 for STEP
*                           0b10 for FORCE
*                           0b11 for RESET
*   bit[13],    DIRection:  0b0 for FORWARD
*                           0b1 for BACKWARD
*   bit[12],    REServed:   Unused
*   bit[11:0],  VALue:      0x0000 - 0x0FFF step size, absolute position or PWM
*                           signal width.
* Bear in mind: "forward" means protracting the actuator, "backward" means re-
* tracting it. If the oposite is happening, switch the motor power wires.

#include <Arduino.h>

#include <ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int16.h>

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MotorShield.h>

// Defines /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Arduino pins
#define ENCB_PIN     2 // Hall sensor B
#define ENCA_PIN     3 // Hall sensor A
#define ENCODER_MASK 0b00001100 // Mask for pins 2 and 3 on PIND register

// Instructions for actuator control
#define ACT_GTO 0x0 // GO-TO: Go to specified position
#define ACT_STP 0x1 // STEP:  Go forward/backward a certain number of units
#define ACT_FRC 0x2 // FORCE: Set the PWM width (which sets the force)
#define ACT_RST 0x3 // RESET: Retract actuator completely and set `zeroPosition'

#define ACT_FWR 0x0 // FORWARD:  Step forward
#define ACT_BCK 0x1 // BACKWARD: Step backward

#define ACT_INS_MSK 0xC000 // Instruction mask (bit[15:14])
#define ACT_DIR_MSK 0x2000 // Direction mask   (bit[13])
#define ACT_RES_MSK 0x1000 // Reserved mask    (bit[12])
#define ACT_VAL_MSK 0x0FFF // Value mask       (bit[11:0])
#define ACT_INS_SFT 14 // Instruction shift
#define ACT_DIR_SFT 13 // Direction shift
#define ACT_RES_SFT 12 // Reserved shift
// Value needs no shift

// Function headers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void EncoderISR ();
void ActuatorControlCallback(const std_msgs::Int16 &msg);

// Global variables ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// ROS node
ros::NodeHandle n;
// Position publisher
vstd_msgs::Int16 position_msg;
ros::Publisher  position_pub("/Actuator_Position", &position_msg);
volatile bool publishPosition = false; // Publish flag
// Control subscriber
ros::Subscriber<std_msgs::Int16> control_sub("/Actuator_Control",

// Encoder variables
// Hall sensors signals
//volatile uint8_t state;
//volatile uint8_t lastState;
// Current position according to the encoder
volatile int16_t currentPosition;

// Control variables (Check if they need to be volatile, I'm not sure)
// Forward (0) or backward (1). In the motor shield library, 'FORWARD' is 1 and
// 'BACKWARD' is 2, so add 1 to the direction when setting up the motor object!
volatile int8_t direction = 0;
// Desired position
volatile int16_t goal = 0;
// PWM signal width. This means both force and speed!
volatile uint8_t force = 255;
// Flags that a change in the control is needed
volatile bool gotInstruction;
// Flags to reset the actuator's position
volatile bool resetZeroPosition;

// Motor shield objects
Adafruit_MotorShield AFMS;
Adafruit_DCMotor *actuator;

// Callbacks and interruptions /////////////////////////////////////////////////

 *    ____     A = 1      ____
 *   / AB \<-------------/ AB \
 * >|  00  |   A = 0    |  10  |
 *   \_0d_/------------->\_2d_/
 *    |  ^                |  ^
 *    |  |       ___      |  |
 *   B|  |B     /   \    B|  |B    (  On the register,  )
 *   =|  |=    V  +  |   =|  |=    (  AB are bit[3:2]:  )
 *   0|  |1       __/    0|  |1    (  PIND = [XXXXABXX] )
 *    |  |                |  |
 *    v__|     A = 1      v__|
 *   / AB \<-------------/ AB \
 *  |  01  |   A = 0    |  11  |
 *   \_1d_/------------->\_3d_/
 *   Note: If the position is running backwards, just switch the encoder wires
void EncoderISR ()
  lastState = state;
  // Reads pins 3:2 of 7:0's register. Using direct register access to make
  // this interruption as fast as possible
  state = PIND & ENCODER_MASK;
  switch (state) {
    case 0b0000: // State AB = 00
      if (lastState == 0b1000) // Going backward
        currentPosition--; // Decrease position
      if (lastState == 0b0100) // Going forward
        currentPosition++; // Increase position
    case 0b0100: // State AB = 01
      if (lastState == 0b0000) // Going backward
        currentPosition--; // Decrease position
      if (lastState == 0b1100) // Going forward
        currentPosition++; // Increase position
    case 0b1000: // State AB = 10
      if (lastState == 0b1100) // Going backward
        currentPosition--; // Decrease position
      if (lastState == 0b0000) // Going forward
        currentPosition++; // Increase position
    case 0b1100: // State AB = 11
      if (lastState == 0b0100) // Going backward
        currentPosition--; // Decrease position
      if (lastState == 0b1000) // Going forward
        currentPosition++; // Increase position
    default: // Does nothing
  if (direction) // `direction' == 1 (backward)
    // Stop motor if the new position is the goal
    if (currentPosition <= goal) actuator->run(RELEASE); // Stop motor
  else // `direction' == 0 (forward)
    // Stop motor if the new position is the goal
    if (currentPosition >= goal) actuator->run(RELEASE); // Stop motor

  // Flags main loop to publish current position
  publishPosition = true;

void ActuatorControlCallback(const std_msgs::Int16 &msg)
  // Decode instruction
  uint8_t instructionType = ( & ACT_INS_MSK) >> ACT_INS_SFT;
  uint8_t value           = & ACT_VAL_MSK;
  switch (instructionType)
    case ACT_GTO:
      direction = currentPosition > value;
      goal = value;
    case ACT_STP:
      direction = ( & ACT_DIR_MSK) >> ACT_DIR_SFT;
      // Backward steps can also be used to reset the 0 position
      goal = currentPosition + (2*(!direction)-1) * value;
    case ACT_FRC:
      force = value & 0xFF; // `force' only goes up to 255
    case ACT_RST:
      resetZeroPosition = true;
  gotInstruction = true; // Flags main loop to execute instruction

// "Main" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void setup()

  // Publishers & Subscribers

  noInterrupts(); // Disable interrupts for setup

  // Encoder interruption
  pinMode(ENCA_PIN, INPUT);
  pinMode(ENCB_PIN, INPUT);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ENCA_PIN), EncoderISR, CHANGE);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ENCB_PIN), EncoderISR, CHANGE);
  //state = state = PINB & ENCODER_MASK;

  interrupts(); // Reenable interrupts

  // Actuator setup
  currentPosition = 0; // Magic number
  goal = currentPosition;
  gotInstruction = true; // Allow reset if true (check next line of code)
  resetZeroPosition = true; // Start by reseting the actuator's position

  // Motor shield setup
  AFMS = Adafruit_MotorShield(); // Use default I2C address
  actuator = AFMS.getMotor(1);   // Use motor 'port' M1
  AFMS.begin();                  // Use default frequency (1.6KHz)
  actuator->setSpeed(force);     // Set starting force

void loop()
  // Checks if needs to start moving actuator
  if (gotInstruction)
    gotInstruction = false; // Reset flag
    // If the actuator needs to be reset
    if (resetZeroPosition)
      resetZeroPosition = false; // Reset flag
      // Stop actuator
      // Set position and goal as zero
      currentPosition = 0;
      goal = 0;
      publishPosition = true; // publish current, updated position (0)
    // If the actuator is not in position
    else if (currentPosition != goal)
      //direction = currentPosition > goal; // Check direction to go
      actuator->setSpeed(force);  // Set force
      // Start running!
      actuator->run(direction+1); // Set direction (see lines 94 and 95)

  // Publish current position
  if (publishPosition)
    publishPosition = false; // Reset flag = currentPosition;

  // Manage messages and callbacks; sync with ROS at the computer side

Asked by lmrosset on 2019-04-08 09:43:57 UTC

